Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Greetings to all! Just to give you an idea of what this blog is going to be about (if the title didn't already tell you), I will post evidence both for and against the Theory of Evolution and it's many offshoots. Everyone has their own personal worldview, and I appreciate that. However, I believe that there are far too many claims out there saying that evolution is a proven fact, written in stone, and anyone who disagrees is just non-scientific. As a creationist and a Christian myself, I think that these claims should be refuted as conclusively as possible. I do not say anything regarding the validity of either theories, and will let the reader decide which side of the fence they're on.

I may not post very frequently, but I will update as regularly as possible. I will not be focusing on any particular topics, so the topics may range from the fossil record to proteins. If you have any arguments, please leave a comment, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.



  1. It would be nice if you offered some evidence supporting the theory of evolution as well. You seem rather biassed.

  2. Thank you, 'Carter Kane'. Actually, I try to remain neutral, but so far it's not working out.

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    1. I don't seem to recall asking for my site to be turned into an advertisement site, "Carter Kane".
