Thursday, September 20, 2012

Animal Evidence #1 - The Giraffe

The giraffe - the symbol of Africa, and a creature who's evolutionary background is extremely easy to guess. A creature was browsing along one day, looked up, saw the leaves on a tree, tried to get them, and lengthened it's neck somehow. Over years of this happening, the giraffe got it's long neck. However, as nice as this cute story may be, even leading evolutionists today say that it is utterly preposterous. Rather, they claim that an organism that had a longer neck than usual would be able to eat the leaves on taller trees, thereby granting it extra food, and ensuring that it would reproduce. After millions and millions of years of this, the giraffe as we know it came to be. Simple, right? So what could creationist's possibly have to put against this obviously right hypothesis?

The tallest giraffe has the least competiton

Creationists point to an extremely interesting system that the giraffe has "evolved" somehow. The giraffe naturally needs an extremely powerful pump to get blood through that long neck and into the brain. It's heart, which can weigh up to 25 pounds, shoots the blood up the neck fast enough to counter gravity's pull down. But the question is, since the blood is shooting so fast up a giraffe's neck, what happens when it bends down to drink water? Then the massive heart would be working with the flow of gravity, and would blast the blood down the neck so fast it would destroy the brain! Clearly, there is some kind of safety mechanism involved here.

As the diagram shows, when the giraffe bends down, a completely separate set of blood vessels is triggered (the blue tube), that lets the blood slow down considerably, after which it hits a soft sponge under the brain, which gently fills and feeds the blood on to the brain. Evolutionists have a hard time explaining this kind of thing, because how on earth would something like a giraffe evolved? When it got it's powerful heart, it would die when it bent over. Without it's powerful heart, it would die when it stood up (through lack of blood to the brain). The system displayed above could not have "evolved" slowly, as it would be useless, and dead weight until everything was in place. This means that even if it evolved it's long neck, it would have to simultaneously develop this safety mechanism. Even the slightest mistake would result in failure, and instant extinction. Evolutionist's have not answered the question of how it evolved yet, and probably never will be able to.

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