Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bill Nye - Creationism is Inappropriate for Children

I recently came across a fascinating video on YouTube by Bill Nye, the "Science Guy". It was entitled, "Creationism is Inappropriate for Children", and the gist of it was that creationism was fine for adults who chose to delude themselves, but children should be taught the 'truth' of evolution. He used some mocking terms,  and said (as Diocletian did almost 2 millennia ago) that soon the Christian worldview will disappear, and "everyone will know the truth".

I dug some more, and found an answering video by Creation Ministries International called "Evolution is not Appropriate for Anyone". This war of videos was hilarious, especially because the Creation argument was a literal spoof of Bill Nye's video, using the same derogatory terms he had used, and turning his "Big Think" logo into "Think Bigger".

I was rather disappointed with both of the makers of the videos, but was definitely more disappointed with Mr. Nye than CMI. Bill Nye presented absolutely no evidence for Evolution, relying more upon popular belief (i.e, "everyone knows its true") than on hard scientific  evidence. CMI almost did the same thing, but they did at least present the evidence of soft tissue in "ancient" dinosaur bones.

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